
Watch: 32-year old Yadiel Hernandez hits walk-off for first career HR

Yadiel Hernandez added a special moment to his storied journey. The 32-year old hit his first career MLB home run in dramatic fashion, walking off the Philadelphia Phillies to give the Washington Nationals an 8-7 win Tuesday.

The Nationals trailed 7-6 in the 8th inning of the second of a double header. With Luis Garcia on second, Hernandez lifted a 2-1 cutter from Phillies reliever Brandon Workman into the Nationals’ bullpen in right field for the walk-off win.

Hernandez knew it was gone on contact, and showed his assurance with an epic bat flip.

Hernandez is the oldest player in MLB history to hit a walk-off home run for his first career homer, according to STATS.

Hernandez has played in more than 900 international and minor league games before he was called up and made his MLB debut on Sept. 10. He was sent back down last week, but was recalled on Monday.

After starring in the Cuban National Series, he defected in 2015 with aspirations of playing Major League Baseball. He signed with the Nationals in 2016 to begin his journey. He moved up the Nationals’ minor league system.

Now four years later, he got his opportunity and delivered with an unforgettable moment.

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