
Twitter Continues to Confuse Nationals Writer with Mark Zuckerberg

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Mark Zuckerman is a longtime Washington Nationals writer. Mark Zuckerberg is the CEO and co-founder of Facebook. The names are very resembling and therefore has led to confusion among some Twitter users who are intending to @ Zuckerberg. Unfortunately for Zuckerman, he has been the online target of some political hot takes that are intended for the Facebook creator.

However, Zuckerman has had his fair share of fun with the misdirected tweets. As people continue to wrongly @ him on Twitter, he is giving some trolling responses to the enjoyment of Nationals fans.

“My attitude is, maybe this is a way to have a little fun with it and expose some of the nastier sides of social media,” Zuckerman told Awful Announcing earlier this month. “It’s turned into a nice little inside joke among my followers.”

His responses have been pure gold and entertaining. So much so, some of his more clever responses have forced the original poster to delete their tweets altogether.

The confusion is mostly because there is no active public Twitter account for Zuckerberg. When users type in “@MarkZuck” in the tweet box, Zuckerman pops up. Therefore, unknowing people ready to direct their questions and political takes amid the latest scandal involving Facebook, they’re simply going after the wrong guy.

At least, ZuckerMAN is having fun with it all, and sure get laughs from his true followers who know the difference between him and ZuckerBERG

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