
Gilbert Arenas Says He Still Keeps In Contact with Javaris Crittenton

Gilbert Arenas reflected on the infamous gun incident inside the Washington Wizards’ locker room with then-teammate Javaris Crittenton.

In an Instagram post that featured a screenshot of text messages he sent to team management in attempts to cover-up the story 10 years ago, Arenas mentioned how his image was altered negatively because of the messages.

He emphasized how his public image in the aftermath was not what his teammates saw on an everyday basis.

He also mentioned that he still keeps in contract with Crittenton.

The text messages from 2009 were Arenas attempt to salvage Crittenton’s career. Arenas was the franchise player but Crittenton was a fringe player. Unfortunately, his efforts were to no avail.

Both Arenas and Crittenton were suspended the remainder of the 2009-2010 season following for conduct detrimental to the team. Arenas rejoined the Wizards and ultimately was traded to the Orlando Magic in December 2010.

Crittenton was released by the Wizards after his suspension concluded. He wouldn’t play another regular season minute in the NBA. Currently, he is serving a 23-year sentence in prison for voluntary manslaughter with a weapon and aggravated assault with a firearm for his role in a 2011 murder of a 22-year old woman in Atlanta.

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