
WATCH: Adrian Peterson Stops Case Keenum from Calling Audible

Case Keenum yelled “Kill, kill” as he called an audible from run play to pass play. However, Redskins running back Adrian Peterson quickly alerted Keenum not to change the play. Keenum immediately cadenced “Reload, reload” changing the play back to the original call.

Fox Sports cameras got a great shot of the sequence.

Adrian Peterson had 23 rushes for 118 yards in a Redskins’ 17-16 win over the Miami Dolphins.

The game plan was to run the football to set up the pass. Redskins interim head coach Bill Callahan stated the team will be a running team, emphasizing rush attempts over yards per carry.

Maybe Keenum had got so use to killing run plays into pass plays under former head coach Jay Gruden. Nonetheless, the communication got to him not to change the play thanks in large to Peterson.

Following the win, Peterson explained the coaches on the sideline didn’t want Keenum to change the call either. He was just making sure the QB got the communication.

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